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A member registered Jan 01, 2023

Recent community posts

glad to know my fav small dev is feeling better gald to have new updates soon^^ <3

hi im back again and i need help with gin idk what to do and im kinda stuck

hi I’m very excited for the new version when it come out to public?

ok i juts had a idea in mind and hope to help with ideas with The game^^

I did all those already 😅

so i just did finis the temple quest and almost every quest is there any secret ones or hard one to find? Anyway I’m really looking forward to the next update 😊

or maybe they where slaves to and couldn’t do anything to help Cassie maybe in a quest we would free them and/or their “race”

thank you I was really stuck

i have a suggestion, in the desert where Cassie come from if I understand right we could meet her parents and make like a date with them and Cassie to be are official bf or something 

idk what to give to them I’m stuck

hi I think I have a bug tho I’m

Doing the temple quest and I have go to see rinny and she’s juts gone I can’t see her anywhere she’s not at new ark or anything 

thank you very much I’m more into boys so that help a lot^^ 

no, who that is and where to find him?

and i did a logo for the game i know it can be better tho 

im just here to say that i love this game i love the characters the story and all great game ( need more male partners tho) 9/10

thanks a lot for this amazing game

(1 edit)

hey i was just wondering when will r4.51 will come out for free and/or if it will come out for free?